Laura Mitre

About me

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. I am Laura Mitre. I am excited to share a bit about myself with you.

Born and raised in the vibrant city of Mexico City, I was surrounded by rich culture and dynamic experiences that shaped my love for language and creativity. I started with a Business major with emphasis in the tourism industry where I had to learn airport city codes, Mexican and world history. As part of my goal to become fully bilingual, my journey led me to Los Angeles, where I now call home. This diverse and bustling city has further fueled my passion for connecting with people from all walks of life. I went back to college, changing my major to Psychology and ultimately Education

I am a certified translator fluent in both English and Spanish, a skill that has allowed me to bridge communication gaps and foster understanding between different cultures. I further expanded my language skills and I also understand and speak French, Italian, and Portuguese. 

Life experiences and my passion for learning led me to seek spiritual knowledge and understanding of Quantum Physics and Hypnosis.

Professional path

My professional journey has been multifaceted, working in the tourism industry as travel agent and tour guide, encompassing roles as a presenter, educator, graphic designer, instructional designer, and creative director.

As an educator and instructional designer, I am dedicated to creating engaging and effective learning experiences. My background in graphic design enhances my ability to craft visually appealing and informative materials that resonate with diverse audiences. My role as a creative director allows me to bring innovative ideas to life, ensuring that every project I undertake is both impactful and memorable.

I am a voice over actress, which means my voice brings animated characters to life in either of the five languages I speak. I also do audiobooks for multiple renowned authors.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with a variety of clients and industries, each project enriching my understanding and expanding my skill set. Whether I am translating complex documents, designing captivating visuals, or leading a team of creatives, my goal is always to deliver excellence and inspire those I work with.

Spiritual path

My spiritual path began with a profound near-death experience (NDE) that changed my perspective on life and the universe. This life-altering event opened my eyes to the deeper dimensions of existence and ignited a passion for exploring the spiritual realm.

Driven by this newfound awareness, I pursued training in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and became a Level 2 practitioner under the guidance of Dolores Cannon's teachings. To further deepen my understanding and enhance my skills, I also became certified in the Aurelio Mejia method. These certifications have equipped me with powerful tools to assist others in their journeys of self-discovery and healing.

One of the unique aspects the I "came back" with is the ability to channel and speak light language, a form of communication that transcends the limitations of spoken words and connects directly with the soul. Through this, I can provide profound insights and healing to those seeking spiritual growth and understanding.

I now conduct workshops to share what I've learned throughout my experience being in the spiritual realm, such as astral travel, lucid dreaming, remote viewing, hypnosis and travels through ancient civilizations discovering the hidden knowledge and activating DNA, empowering others to explore the limitless possibilities of their consciousness. These workshops are designed to help participants tap into their innate abilities, navigate different dimensions, and gain a deeper understanding of their life's purpose.

Every day, I am inspired by the transformative experiences of those I work with, and I am grateful for the opportunity to guide and support others on their spiritual journeys. Whether you are seeking healing, looking to expand your consciousness, or simply curious about the mysteries of existence, I am here to assist you.

Initiatic path travels

I am super happy to share my journey and the transformative experiences I offer.

With my spiritual awakening began an even more profound love for ancient civilizations and the connection with Earth. It opened my eyes to the vast possibilities beyond our physical realm. This pivotal moment ignited a passion for exploring and sharing hidden knowledge and spiritual practices with others.

As a certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Level 2 practitioner and Aurelio Mejia method practitioner, I have dedicated myself to guiding others on their spiritual paths. I channel and speak light language, offering a unique form of communication that connects deeply with the soul, providing healing and profound insights.

One of the most enriching aspects of my work is taking people on transformative journeys to sacred sites around the world, including Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Hawaii, and more. These trips are not just about visiting these ancient and powerful places but about initiating participants into hidden knowledge and activating their DNA and superpower (sometimes forgotten) abilities.

Through these immersive experiences, we explore the mysteries of ancient civilizations, unlock the secrets of the past, and awaken highest potentials. Each journey is designed to be a profound spiritual initiation, helping participants to connect with their true self and the universal energies that surround us.

In addition to these trips, I conduct workshops on astral travel, lucid dreaming, and remote viewing. These workshops empower participants to explore the limitless possibilities of their consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of their life's purpose.

My mission is to support and guide humans in discovering their own unique path, unlocking innate abilities, and embracing the full potential of their spiritual journey. 

I am passionate about sharing knowledge and fostering creativity, and I look forward to the opportunities to connect and collaborate with others who share these values, explore the wonders of the spiritual realm together, embarking on these incredible adventures with whomever is willing and witnessing the profound transformations that await.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and my work. 

Much love to yoou!  Aho! 

My work






Travels to Ancient Civilization

If you want to learn more about me, you can click on the links below to visit my social media pages with links at the footer section.