
We are working on the itinerary for 2025 - contact us or come back soon! 

Montezuma Castle National Monument

Montezuma Castle National Monument protects a set of well-preserved dwellings located in Camp Verde, Arizona, which were built and used by the Sinagua people, a pre-Columbian culture closely related to the Hohokam and other indigenous peoples of the southwestern United States, between approximately 

Montezuma Castle National Monument 

Several Hopi clans and Yavapai communities trace their ancestries to early immigrants from the Montezuma Castle/Beaver Creek area. Archaeological evidence proves that the Hohokam and Hakataya settled around or in the Verde Valley. Clan members periodically return to these ancestral homes for religious ceremonies.

Montezuma Well

Montezuma Well, a natural limestone sinkhole, measuring approximately 100 by 120 yards.