
Lo que puede esperar en su primera visita

Laura tiene exactamente la energía que esperaría encontrar al seguir un tratamiento como QHHT. Es profesional, cálida, segura y abierta. Especialmente, dado que no estaba familiarizada con el proceso, realmente aprecié su cuidado al desglosar los orígenes, las influencias y las metodologías de la práctica al comienzo de nuestra reunión para que yo estuviera bien informado antes del tratamiento. La experiencia en sí fue muy profunda, esclarecedora, empoderadora y, en última instancia, continúa desarrollándose para mí a medida que crezco con el conocimiento que recibí. Lo más destacable de Laura como practicante de QHHT es su paciencia y cariño. Las dos primeras veces que probamos la inducción sentí muchas dudas personales incluso para compartir que algo me impedía ir. La actitud de apertura, comprensión y generosidad de Laura para seguir intentándolo conmigo es lo que finalmente me hizo sentir lo suficientemente segura como para relajarme, liberarme y sumergirme en el proceso. Recomiendo encarecidamente a Laura como practicante de QHHT y sanadora de trabajo ligero y el proceso de QHHT para la autoexpansión y la revelación.

~Mía Xavez

"My experience with [Your Name] on the initiatic journey through Egypt was nothing short of life-changing. From the moment we stepped foot on this sacred land, I felt an undeniable connection to the ancient energies that reside within its temples, pyramids, and desert sands. With [Your Name] as my guide, I was not only led through the physical sites but also through a profound inner transformation. Each sacred site felt like a key unlocking a deeper part of myself, and [Your Name]'s wisdom, energy work, and intuitive guidance helped me access levels of consciousness I never thought possible.

One of the most impactful moments was the private meditation in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, where I felt my entire being align with the frequencies of the cosmos. It was as if time stood still, and I could feel the activation of my DNA and a deep remembrance of ancient knowledge returning to me.

[Your Name] has an incredible gift of creating sacred space, facilitating powerful energetic initiations, and holding space for each participant to undergo their unique transformation. I left Egypt feeling more connected to my soul’s purpose, awakened to hidden aspects of myself, and empowered to continue my spiritual path with clarity and confidence. This journey was truly an initiation into the mysteries of Egypt and beyond, and I am forever grateful to [Your Name] for guiding me through it."

Hey LAURA, I just saw this video and had an experience like that when I had at the temple, that’s usually  under water. I also remembered when we were in that birthing room that day that we all got in the circle, and started facing out singing. I remember when I started speaking, light lenguaje and then when I got to hug Wendy . Also remembered when we were in the chamber how I felt inside that sarcophagus so peaceful so comfortable . I also remembered when I had that need to sing each time. It was my soul song and one more thing. I remember that when I was singing, my hands were doing something I would find them stiff and different positions my fingers in my hands and I thought it was weird watching this video, going through the exercises with this girl and I found myself remembering that I’m from Mu also. 

After coming back from EGYPT, I find myself feeling so much more feminine too, and then myself the life I used to have before when I cared what grades Diego had and that he did his homework and he got in school I don’t care so much anymore. I don’t care about money and I spoile myself. Before I would just do what I think I need to do but now I don’t care. I know I’m being well taken care of and that I’m very loving. I just want to help everybody I would help people I care about plants and earth I am also from the stars. 

I also remember who I am my soul smiles tears of happiness in recognition of each thing I remember, and laugh laugh laugh. It’s like a happiness that I’ve always missed that is back. 

Thank you I cannot wait to see what we do next wonderful soul family and I have a feeling that it’s way bigger than just us 15. It’s way Way way bigger . 

I love you thank you 

~ Brandy